
学生将学习神经学, 心理, 生物, 和 sociologic research around trauma in order to promote resilience in others through inclusive, 移情作用的, 以及富有同情心的互动, 政策, 和实践.

创伤知情护理(TIC)来自于生物学, 健康, 和 social sciences to inform practitioners on the deleterious effects of trauma 和 how prolonged, 有毒的压力会对大脑和身体产生负面影响. 随着创伤压力科学的发展, this fact can no longer be ignored in public systems of care.

Trauma-informed care offers an important 和 innovative opportunity for 健康 和 human sector systems 和 providers to improve quality care 和 the patient/client experience, thereby increasing longitudinal engagement of marginalized 和 hard-to-reach patient populations 和 begin to foster healing, 增长, 改善健康状况.

南澳大学社会工作学院心理学系 offers this microcredential to build trauma-informed champions in our 健康 和 human 服务 systems.

接受2024-2025年班的申请.  For information about scholarships, email Jennifer Best at bestjennifera@zizhanggui.com.  要用信用卡注册课程, 点击这里


  • 混合课程,以适应您的日程安排
  • Curriculum Developed By Local Trauma-信息rmed Care Experts
  • 通过实践经验进行高影响力学习



Paricipants in this microcredential must already be working or volunteering at a school or agency. Exceptions may be made for people who are completing an internship or student teaching.

Instructors expect that paricipants enrolled will have varying levels of knowledge on Trauma-信息rmed Care.


8月- 12月(16周),每周2-3小时

Participants will engage in weekly continuing education professional development through workshops, 阅读, 讨论, 和 exercises that provide a deep overview of both the microlevel 和 macrolevel elements of trauma, with a focus on underst和ing cross-discipline research. Participants will earn 40 hours of continuing education credit.


  • 不良童年经历导论
  • 创伤理论与治疗的历史
  • 幼儿神经生物学和依恋
  • 复杂发展性创伤vs. 其他创伤障碍
  • 多迷走神经理论与神经序列模型
  • 感觉系统和调节
  • 以治疗为中心的运动和弹性
  • Restorative Practice as an Application of Being Trauma-信息rmed
  • 和宏观系统.


1 - 5月(16周),每周2-3小时

参与者将识别, 分析, 和 create implementation plans for a micro-level situation within their scope of practice. 然后, they will repeat that process by developing a macrolevel policy implementation plan for an organization, 部门, 或服务区域.

活动将包括分析工具的选择, 练习使用这个工具, development of implementation plans related to the data gained from this tool, 和 the presentation of this plan with opportunities for 讨论 和 feedback.


Your digital badge is proof that you have satisfied certain course requirements. The digital badge contains information about the microcredential, including when it was achieved.

To earn the 创伤知情护理微证书, students must:

  • Engage in each module including the online 讨论 board
  • 参加每一次面对面的会议
  • Submit 和 meet minimum competency st和ards on both Implementation Plans

In 2013, Family Resources 和 the Child Abuse Council (now called EveryChild) brought together a group of concerned community partners to prevent, 减少, 和 address the effects of childhood trauma in Scott 和 Rock Isl和 County. This partnership grew into a consortium of dedicated people 和 organizations that are working together to provide solutions to make our community a 健康ier, 更有弹性的居住地.

随着时间的推移, 人才, expertise 和 resources of the members of the Quad City Trauma-信息rmed Consortium (QC-TIC), thous和s of individuals have received training 和 education about the impact of trauma on the 健康 和 wellbeing of individuals, 家庭和我们的社会.

In 2020, the QC-TIC leadership envisioned advancing the Trauma 信息rmed Movement from "awareness 和 education" to implementing changes in the way we effectively deliver care. 要做到这一点, the community needed to create a systematic way of developing both deep knowledge 和 specific skills in the actions required to make our 程序s, 服务和教室的创伤信息.

透过与质素保证委员会的合作. 可以买滚球的正规平台's School of Social Work 和 Department of Psychology created the Trauma-信息rmed Microcredential to raise capacity within our community to make systemic changes to our relationships, 实践和政策——从内到外.

For more information about the Quad Cities Trauma 信息rmed Consortium, visit their 脸谱网 page or 在线访问他们


了解创伤和有毒压力是不够的. 创建一个治疗程序, 服务, 组织或课堂, trauma-informed behaviors must be implemented to create healing places 和实践. To ensure Trauma 信息rmed Care Microcredential participants have practiced how to do this work, 他们将参与两个项目.

Participants will develop a discipline-specific micro level implementation plan 和 a discipline-specific macro level implementation plan that fits their organization, 程序, 服务或课堂. The microcredential modules will lead participants through each step of the development of the plan. Instructors will provide feedback 和 coaching throughout the process, ensuring that participants' plans will be ready to use in their organizations upon completion.


2024 -25

In-person classes at the SAU North Davenport Education Center, 1950 E. 第54圣.达文波特,.


第一部分,8月. 12月19 - 12月. 9, 2024

•2024年9月30日 & 2024年10月28日下午6:00-7:00



第二部分,一月. 2025年5月12日

•2025年2月20日 & 2025年4月24日下午6:00-7:00





  • Upon completion of 第一部分, participants earn Continuing Education Units.
  • Upon completion of 第二部分, participants earn a digital badge.


Course payments may be transferred to another scheduled offering if St. 可以买滚球的正规平台 is notified prior to the course date. 已付课程, 但没有人出席, will be refunded less a 25% cancellation fee if you cancel within two weeks of the training 程序.

应用 访问 信息


Jennifer Best, MS Ed, CFLE, CFCS-HDFS, BCC

518 W. 蝗虫圣.
达文波特,IA 52803


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